Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feeling the Pressure

Ok, so I am not the world's most healthy individual, but when you go to the doctors you don't want the worried look.

The look I am referring to is the one where they check something 4 times and keep getting a result which suggests that you should be 'getting your affairs in order' rather than wasting time in futile attempts to fend off the inevitable.

The results in question were 4 blood pressure tests averaging 166/111 with a pulse of 66. Apparently not good.

Apparently stroke territory.

So I bought a machine (first instinct is to get another gadget) and it seems as if my machine is a bit more positive than Dr. Deaths.

So as I sit waiting for a battery of tests, I am hoping that my blood vessels are not about to explode and rather my GP's gadget needs a bit of attention.

If this is my last post, you'll know who was right.

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